Nikodem Poplawski
Selected Publications
"Torsional regularization of self-energy and bare mass of electron", with Michael Del Grosso, Class. Quantum Grav. 41, 225001 (2024)
"General-relativistic wave-particle duality with torsion", with Francisco Guedes, Class. Quantum Grav. 41, 065011 (2024)
"Gravitational collapse of a fluid with torsion into a universe in a black hole", J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 132, 374 (2021)
"Noncommutative momentum and torsional regularization", Found. Phys. 50, 900 (2020)
"Universe in a black hole in Einstein-Cartan gravity", Astrophys. J. 832, 96 (2016)
"Schwinger's variational principle in Einstein-Cartan gravity", Phys. Rev. D 89, 027501 (2014)
"Nonsingular, big-bounce cosmology from spinor-torsion coupling", Phys. Rev. D 85, 107502 (2012)
"Matter-antimatter asymmetry and dark matter from torsion", Phys. Rev. D 83, 084033 (2011)
"Cosmology with torsion: An alternative to cosmic inflation", Phys. Lett. B 694, 181 (2010); 701, 672 (2011)
"Nonsingular Dirac particles in spacetime with torsion", Phys. Lett. B 690, 73 (2010); 727, 575 (2013)
"Radial motion into an Einstein-Rosen bridge", Phys. Lett. B 687, 110 (2010)
"Classical Physics: Spacetime and Fields", arXiv:0911.0334 [gr-qc] (2009, 2020, 2024)
Complete List of Publications
N. Poplawski, "CLASSICAL PHYSICS: SPACETIME AND FIELDS" (2009, 2020, 2024)
arXiv:0911.0334 [gr-qc].
Listed in The Net Advance of Physics under General Relativity and Field Theory.
Book Chapters
N. Poplawski, "Gravitational Collapse with Torsion and Universe in a Black Hole", in: Regular Black Holes. Towards a New Paradigm of Gravitational Collapse, C. Bambi (ed.), pp. 485-499 (Springer, Singapore, 2023)
arXiv:2307.12190 [gr-qc]
Refereed Articles
M. Del Grosso and N. Poplawski, "Torsional regularization of self-energy and bare mass of electron", Classical and Quantum Gravity 41(22), 225001 (2024)
arXiv:2107.01612 [hep-th]
F. R. Benard Guedes and N. J. Poplawski, "General-relativistic wave-particle duality with torsion", Classical and Quantum Gravity 41(6), 065011 (2024)
arXiv:2211.03234 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "A nonsingular, anisotropic universe in a black hole with torsion and particle production", General Relativity and Gravitation 53(2), 18 (2021);
arXiv:2007.11556 [gr-qc]
N. Poplawski, "Gravitational collapse of a fluid with torsion into a universe in a black hole", Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 132(3), 374-380 (2021);
arXiv:2008.02136 [gr-qc]
N. Poplawski, "Gravitational collapse of a fluid with torsion into a universe in a black hole", Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 159(3), 448-456 (2021)
(abstract) (in Russian).
N. J. Poplawski, "Phantom dark energy from scalar-torsion coupling", Modern Physics Letters A 35(40), 2050331 (2020)
arXiv:1512.09365 [gr-qc]
N. Poplawski, "Noncommutative momentum and torsional regularization", Foundations of Physics 50(9), 900-923 (2020);
arXiv:1712.09997 [gr-qc]
J. L. Cubero and N. J. Poplawski, "Analysis of big bounce in Einstein-Cartan cosmology", Classical and Quantum Gravity 37(2), 025011 (2020)
arXiv:1906.11824 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "Non-particle dark matter from Hubble parameter", European Physical Journal C 79(9), 734 (2019);
arXiv:1906.03947 [physics.gen-ph]
G. Unger and N. Poplawski, "Big bounce and closed universe from spin and torsion", Astrophysical Journal 870(2), 78 (2019)
arXiv:1808.08327 [gr-qc]
N. Poplawski, "Primordial fluctuations of scale factor in closed Universe in Einstein-Cartan gravity", Modern Physics Letters A 33(40), 1850236 (2018)
arXiv:1612.06292 [gr-qc]
N. Poplawski, "The simplest origin of the big bounce and inflation", International Journal of Modern Physics D 27(14), 1847020 (2018)
arXiv:1801.08076 [physics.pop-ph]
Selected for Honorable Mention in Awards for Essays on Gravitation for 2018 by Gravity Research Foundation.
N. Poplawski, "Universe in a black hole in Einstein-Cartan gravity", Astrophysical Journal 832(2), 96 (2016)
arXiv:1410.3881 [gr-qc]
S. Desai and N. J. Poplawski, "Non-parametric reconstruction of an inflaton potential from Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble gravity with particle production", Physics Letters B 755, 183-189 (2016)
arXiv:1510.08834 [astro-ph.CO]
N. J. Poplawski, "The energy and momentum of the Universe", Classical and Quantum Gravity 31(6), 065005 (2014)
arXiv:1305.6977 [gr-qc]
N. Poplawski, "Schwinger's variational principle in Einstein-Cartan gravity", Physical Review D 89(2), 027501 (2014)
arXiv:1310.8014 [gr-qc]
N. Poplawski, "Affine theory of gravitation", General Relativity and Gravitation 46(1), 1625 (2014);
arXiv:1203.0294 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "Cosmological consequences of gravity with spin and torsion", Astronomical Review 8(3), 108-115 (2013)
arXiv:1106.4859 [gr-qc]
N. Poplawski, "Nonsingular, big-bounce cosmology from spinor-torsion coupling", Physical Review D 85(10), 107502 (2012)
arXiv:1111.4595 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "Big bounce from spin and torsion", General Relativity and Gravitation 44(4), 1007-1014 (2012);
arXiv:1105.6127 [astro-ph.CO]
N. J. Poplawski, "Four-fermion interaction from torsion as dark energy", General Relativity and Gravitation 44(2), 491-499 (2012);
arXiv:1102.5667 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "Matter-antimatter asymmetry and dark matter from torsion", Physical Review D 83(8), 084033 (2011)
arXiv:1101.4012 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "Cosmological constant from quarks and torsion", Annalen der Physik (Berlin) 523(4), 291-295 (2011)
arXiv:1005.0893 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "Cosmology with torsion: An alternative to cosmic inflation", Physics Letters B 694(3), 181-185 (2010)
Physics Letters B 701(5), 672 (2011)
arXiv:1007.0587 [astro-ph.CO]
N. J. Poplawski, "Nonsingular Dirac particles in spacetime with torsion", Physics Letters B 690(1), 73-77 (2010)
Physics Letters B 727(4-5), 575 (2013)
arXiv:0910.1181 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "Torsion as electromagnetism and spin", International Journal of Theoretical Physics 49(7), 1481-1488 (2010);
arXiv:0905.4284 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "Radial motion into an Einstein-Rosen bridge", Physics Letters B 687(2-3), 110-113 (2010)
arXiv:0902.1994 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "Variational formulation of Eisenhart's unified theory", International Journal of Modern Physics A 24(20-21), 3975-3984 (2009)
arXiv:0803.4366 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "A variational formulation of relativistic hydrodynamics", Physics Letters A 373(31), 2620-2621 (2009)
arXiv:0806.2283 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "Gravitation, electromagnetism and the cosmological constant in purely affine gravity", International Journal of Modern Physics D 18(5), 809-829 (2009)
N. J. Poplawski, "Geometrization of electromagnetism in tetrad-spin-connection gravity", Modern Physics Letters A 24(6), 431-442 (2009)
Modern Physics Letters A 26(16), 1243 (2011)
arXiv:0801.4797 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "Gravitation, electromagnetism and cosmological constant in purely affine gravity", Foundations of Physics 39(3), 307-330 (2009);
N. J. Poplawski, "F(R) gravity in purely affine formulation", International Journal of Modern Physics A 23(12), 1891-1901 (2008)
arXiv:0706.4474 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "The Maxwell Lagrangian in purely affine gravity", International Journal of Modern Physics A 23(3-4), 567-579 (2008)
N. J. Poplawski, "Massive vectors from projective invariance breaking", Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie (France) 32(2-3), 335-353 (2007)
in Special issue on torsion, ed. V. Dvoeglazov;
arXiv:0709.3652 [gr-qc]
N. J. Poplawski, "On the nonsymmetric purely affine gravity", Modern Physics Letters A 22(36), 2701-2720 (2007)
N. J. Poplawski, "The cosmic snap parameter in f(R) gravity", Classical and Quantum Gravity 24(11), 3013-3020 (2007)
N. J. Poplawski, "Propagating torsion in the Einstein frame", Journal of Mathematical Physics 47(11), 112504 (2006)
N. J. Poplawski, "Interacting dark energy in f(R) gravity", Physical Review D 74(8), 084032 (2006)
N. J. Poplawski, "The cosmic jerk parameter in f(R) gravity", Physics Letters B 640(4), 135-137 (2006)
N. J. Poplawski, "A Michelson interferometer in the field of a plane gravitational wave", Journal of Mathematical Physics 47(7), 072501 (2006)
N. J. Poplawski, "The present universe in the Einstein frame, metric-affine R+1/R gravity", Classical and Quantum Gravity 23(15), 4819-4828 (2006)
N. J. Poplawski, "Acceleration of the universe in the Einstein frame of a metric-affine f(R) gravity", Classical and Quantum Gravity 23(6), 2011-2020 (2006)
Conference Proceedings
N. Poplawski, "Universe in a black hole with spin and torsion", in: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, R. Ruffini and G. Vereshchagin (ed.), part B, pp. 1327-1336 (World Scientific, Singapore, 2023)
N. Poplawski, "Gravitational deflection of light in interior Schwarzschild metric" (2024)
arXiv:2407.10248 [gr-qc].
N. Poplawski, "Black holes in the expanding Universe" (2024)
arXiv:2405.16673 [gr-qc].
N. Poplawski and M. Del Grosso, "The origin of the Born rule from spacetime averaging" (2021)
arXiv:2110.06392 [quant-ph].
N. Poplawski, "Relativistic wave-particle duality for spinors" (2021)
arXiv:2101.04212 [gr-qc].
N. J. Poplawski, "Black Hole Genesis and origin of cosmic acceleration" (2019)
arXiv:1912.02173 [gr-qc].
N. Poplawski, "Black Hole Genesis and origin of inertia" (2019)
arXiv:1910.10819 [physics.pop-ph].
N. Poplawski, "Invariant temperature of a moving body" (2019)
arXiv:1902.05536 [physics.class-ph].
N. Poplawski, "Torsional regularization of vertex function" (2018)
arXiv:1807.07068 [hep-th].
N. Poplawski, "Intrinsic spin requires gravity with torsion and curvature" (2013)
arXiv:1304.0047 [gr-qc].
N. Poplawski, "Gravity with spin excludes fermionic strings" (2012)
arXiv:1209.5772 [hep-th].
N. J. Poplawski, "Thermal fluctuations in Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble-Dirac bouncing cosmology" (2011)
arXiv:1201.0316 [astro-ph.CO].
N. J. Poplawski, "Mass of the universe in a black hole" (2011)
arXiv:1110.5019 [astro-ph.CO].
N. J. Poplawski, "On the polarization of nonlinear gravitational waves" (2011)
arXiv:1110.0051 [gr-qc].
N. J. Poplawski, "A Maxwell field minimally coupled to torsion" (2011)
arXiv:1108.6100 [gr-qc].
N. J. Poplawski, "Conformal time in a black-hole universe with torsion" (2011)
arXiv:1108.0211 [gr-qc].
N. J. Poplawski, "Neutral-meson oscillations with torsion" (2011)
arXiv:1105.0102 [hep-ph].
N. J. Poplawski, "On the mass of the Universe born in a black hole" (2011)
arXiv:1103.4192 [astro-ph.CO].
N. J. Poplawski, "Einstein-Cartan gravity excludes extra dimensions" (2010)
arXiv:1001.4324 [hep-th].
N. J. Poplawski, "The universe as a black hole in isotropic coordinates" (2009)
arXiv:0901.0215 [gr-qc].
N. J. Poplawski, "Geometrical formulation of classical electromagnetism" (2008)
arXiv:0802.4453 [gr-qc].
N. J. Poplawski, "Conservation laws for a general Lorentz connection" (2007)
arXiv:0711.2341 [gr-qc].
N. J. Poplawski, "Covariant differentiation of spinors for a general affine connection" (2007)
arXiv:0710.3982 [gr-qc].
N. J. Poplawski, "A unified, purely affine theory of gravitation and electromagnetism" (2007)
arXiv:0705.0351 [gr-qc].
N. J. Poplawski, "A Lagrangian description of interacting dark energy" (2006)
N. J. Poplawski, "Gauge invariance and massive torsionic scalar field" (2006)
Refereed Articles
N. J. Poplawski, A. P. Szczepaniak, and J. T. Londergan, "Final state interactions in decays of the exotic pi1 meson", Physical Review D 71(5), 056003 (2005)
N. J. Poplawski, A. P. Szczepaniak, and J. T. Londergan, "Towards a relativistic description of exotic meson decays", Physical Review D 71(1), 016004 (2005)
Conference Proceedings
N. Poplawski, "A relativistic description of hadronic decays of the meson pi1", AIP Conference Proceedings 717, 456-461 (2004)
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Last revised: October 11, 2024.